University & Student Engagement Programme

For Students & Universities

Free CPD training for university staff to help safeguard students. Our Student Hub website has been developed with students and provides guidance on a range of topics including mental health and where to find support against gaming and gambling harm.

About the Programme

The University and Student Engagement Programmes provides free training for university staff and supports students to enjoy a university experience free from gambling and gaming harms. We work with universities and student unions on campuses all over the UK to raise awareness on safeguarding students. Using student insight, we provides a wide range of advice to support the wellbeing of students.

Training & Resources

Our FREE training equips university staff with the knowledge, understanding and confidence to support and safeguard students. The sessions show staff how to identify the signs of students who may be struggling with gaming or gambling and what support you can signpost them to.  The training, which can be delivered online or in person, has been informed by insight from academics, students, practitioners and research.

1 in 6 students say they have gambled more than they can afford
YGAM Research 2019
Our Student Hub

Our Student Hub features advice for students on how to make the most of their life at university while avoiding the risks of gaming and gambling-related harm. The website includes interactive elements along with lived experience case studies to further highlight the issue of gambling and gaming addiction on university campuses.

88,000 students defined as problem gamblers in the UK
YGAM Research 2019
Our Research

In 2019, YGAM commissioned Red Brick Research to undertake research into gaming and gambling among undergraduate students, with more than 2,000 undergraduates and postgraduates surveyed. The ‘How Gaming and Gambling Affect Student Life’ report provides valuable insights on the prevalence and behavioural habits for university students. Specifically, the report provides a detailed breakdown of gameplay, gambling behaviours, and the implications for student life.

Findings showed that 47% of students had gambled in the last 12 months. Of these, 16% can be identified as moderate risk or problem gamblers, meaning about 264,000 students in the UK are at some risk from gambling with around 88,000 already.
