Free awareness workshops for parents and foster carers on topics of gaming and gambling. Our Parent Hub also supports families by providing lots of practical advice, guidance and tips to help keep children safe and prevent harm.
Our young people are now growing up in a digital world of new technology and this can sometimes feel overwhelming for parents. Our evidence-led resources have been informed by expert insight from academics, parents, practitioners, young people and lived experience. Through our workshops and Parent Hub, this programme aims to provide thousands of parents with the information and guidance they need to help safeguard their children from the potential harms of gaming and gambling.
We offer a two-part City & Guilds Assured programme, providing information to carers around gaming and gambling and how to spot the signs of harm. The workshops cover a range of topics including microtransactions, advertising, loot boxes, streaming, online safety plus much more. Both sessions MUST be attended to gain a City & Guilds certificate and workbook.
Our Parent Hub has been developed by listening to the needs and questions of parents. The Hub empowers parents with the knowledge and understanding to help safeguard their children and ensure they access the world of video gaming in a safe and secure manner.
The website features a range of custom designed tools and resources including a ‘Gaming Glossary’ and ‘Game Guides’ from select games across all platforms which aims to give parents an example of the differing mechanics and playstyles available to children and young people. Visit today to explore a wide range of easy-to-read information, advice and activities.
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